The Community of Heroes rise up ✊

Tiny Heroes is a collection of 10,000 unique, randomly generated 3D Heroes living on the Ethereum blockchain as ERC-721 NFTs.

Every Hero is programmatically generated from over 100+ traits like background, body, head and various hand held items.

Join our community 👇

Join the Quest!

Owning a Tiny Hero gives you exclusive access to members-only benefits both in the digital and real worlds.

Create TH universe with community

Together with the community create this world and discover its lore which will be a foundation for all future TH experiences.

Vote and decide about the future

Video & board games, books, stories, VR experiences, Utility tokens, Metaverse, RL Merch. Everything is possible!

Exclusive raffles and giveaways

Take part in exciting contests, giveaways, raffles and win NFT’s, ETH , WL spots and much more.

Receive airdrops and WL by holding

By holding your Tiny Hero you enlist yourself for future air-drops and gain WL spots for any future sales.

We take 0% royalites

First Tiny heroes collection is free of royalties. It means you own your hero fully, with all copyrights and all its value for as long as you hold it.

Project with lore and story first!

We want to build a grand universe together with storytellers, writers and illustrators. Releasing many stories, podcasts & many more.

Tiny Heroes Lore

TH universe is a place for story lovers & story tellers where together with community members we create a living world. A home for all future TH games, quests & epic adventures.



Tiny Heroes are inhabiting a world called Earthia. And while the world itself is a huge place, our heroes live in a place called The Kingdom.

The Kingdom is a very pleasant and welcoming place, filled with abundant amounts of beautiful plants, lakes, sees and rivers. The land is fertile and people use it to grow all kind of crops. Nature is thriving.

Unfortunately not whole Earthia is alike. On the other side of the wall keeping kingdom safe from the dark forces, the ground is scorched due to drainage of its magic. The further it goes into the unknown the more the land becomes inhabitable. No one lived though to tell what lies behind this enormous desert filled with remaining of the old world from the times before dark forces arrival.



The new world is inhabited by 5 human clans united under one banner known as the kingdom.


Outlaws who respect only money and themselves. Paid mercenaries hired by the kingdom, who got their own land and part of the crown for their devotion in the fight with the villains.


Humble knights of light sworn to protect the Kingdom with their lives. Brave soldiers, who fear no man nor creature.


They keep the kingdom safe with their magic. They inhabit the land closest to the wall where people gain animal features due to strong nature magic fields. It’s considered an honour to gain them.


Those handy craftsman live in the mountains where they mine for the precious materials. They learned a lot from Time Warpers tech and now they try to make Kingdom’s life easier with their inventions.

Time warpers

Advanced beings from another timeline, who sensed the imbalance Earthia, due to dark forces using time magic. Time warpers decided to help the kingdom in their fight and brought advanced weapons & technology with them.


Kingdom's Stories

In the past before dark forces arrived, people lived peacefully, inhabiting all lands called the old world. The arrival swept off most of the old civilisation from the world, only few hundreds survived and with the help of magic rised walls around a new world that we know today as the kingdom.

Advanced weapons

Time warpers (higher beings protecting the balance in universe) detected that dark forces used time magic to overcome the kingdom of light. To even the chances in ongoing conflict they convinced the king to rally all citizens and gave them advanced tech weapons from future.

New technology

With newly acquired tools humans thrive at many aspects of their life. Some engineers dedicated themselves to reverse engineer the tech brought by their allies and help people in their daily chores, travel etc.

Bad religion

There are people who believe that forces of dark are here to bring the salvation and therefore are highly against time warpers influence.

One crown - five pieces

Wise King recognised that each region of his kingdom had their own local identity. To prevent wars and unite all of them. He divided his crown in 5 pieces and gave each region independence. This way their leaders remain loyal to the king despite hard times.


Each TinyHero NFT is algorithmically generated by combining 100+ unique traits with varying rarity across categories.

  • 10,000 Total TinyHeroes
  • ???* Heads
  • ???* Outfits
  • ???* Hats
  • ???* Weapons and stuff
  • ???* Backgrounds
* We are still designing new elements - when all will be finished the final numbers will be revealed













Launch roadmap

10% SOLD

We pay back our moms 😅
& organize first giveaway for the lucky Heroes
holders 5 x 1 ETH.

20% SOLD

We want to give away 10 ETH to an environmental organisation which will be chosen by community in first public vote.

40% SOLD

Kingdoms treasury (Community wallet) gets funded with 10 ETH.

Kingdoms treasury will be used for various purpouses, decided by Tiny Heroes holders. Things like sweeping up the Heroes floor, supporting artists in community, or funding any community ideas that will benefit the project becomes possible, sky is not even the limit.

60% SOLD

200 Tiny Heroes holders will receive their heroes framed and shipped to them + 10 ETH giveaway

70% SOLD

15 ETH is added to the Kingdoms Treasury

90% SOLD

20 NFT Frames will be raffled to lucky Tiny Heroes holders and shipped to their doors.

100% SOLD 🔥

Development map 1.0 is launched

Each step is carefully explained in section below 👇

Development Map 1.0
Development Map 1.0
Development Map 1.0
Development Map 1.0
Development Map 1.0
Development Map 1.0
Development Map 1.0
Development Map 1.0
Development Map 1.0
Development Map 1.0
Development Map 1.0
Development Map 1.0

Development Map 1.0

We want to go big! So our first steps need to build a healthy foundation for our TinyHeroes community.

Phase 1

Hiring writers and releasing stories in TinyHeroes universe 👑

Most engaging stories are written - Lord of the rings, Star Wars, Harry Potter.

We want to build this universe with stories, create it with help of our community & bring it to life. We want each of you to be a part of this story 🔥

No matter what we will develop next - video or board game, apps, animations and many more - all will be based on lore built by those stories.

Phase 2

Hero Library will come! 📚⚔️

A Hero Library will appear on your collections page with special access for TinyHero holders.

There you will be able to read and download all stories. You can also browse through all 100+ 3D elements which create our TinyHeroes and discover lore behind each of them.

There will also be Treasure hunting hidden in Hero Library with prizes 1,2,3,4 ETH. This will be anounced after completion of PHASE 2.

Phase 3

Hero Council in development! 🏛

Your voice is cruicial for us - that’s what this project is all about and that’s why we want you to be able to vote!

Hero Council will appear on your collections page with special access for TinyHero holders.

All of the future projects, major decisions, special events, lore related questions and the future of this project - will be decided by voting.

Each TinyHero token = 1 vote 📩

Phase 4

Free airdrop for TinyHero holders 💸

We are so happy that you are a part of our community - as a token of appreciation for holding until Phase 4 we want to give you a free airdrop of companions for your TinyHero token.

Those companions will be properly and in the right time introduced to lore the of TinyHeroes.

You will start hearing about them after we complete all first three phases.

Development Map 2.0
Development Map 2.0
Development Map 2.0
Development Map 2.0
Development Map 2.0
Development Map 2.0
Development Map 2.0
Development Map 2.0
Development Map 2.0
Development Map 2.0
Development Map 2.0
Development Map 2.0

Development Map 2.0

🚧 This map will be fully announced after successful completion of PHASE 4 from Development map 1.0.

Tiny Villains lurking in shadows 💀

The wall that divides army of shadows from heroes of the Kingdom is breaching more and more often. One day it will fall and Tiny Villains will appear.

This will be a collection of ???? Tiny Villains who will be developed and available for mint in future Development map 2.0.

Development map 2.0 will be announced after successful launch of Phase 4 of current map.

Introducing our own token 💎

We want to introduce our own token to TinyHeroes universe. Holding TInyHero will generate passive income of this token, but it won’t be the only way to earn it.

Tokens will be used in our ecosystem to acquire exclusive content, items, WL spots and much more.

More is yet to come 😈...

We call ourselves Metacreators

Real-life friends decided to embark on this crazy journey of creating an NFT collection and NFT community. All of it with a good story and a lot of 3D elements created during nights & evenings. 🌙✨

founder / designer
Kuba Mikołajczyk

I’m a Product Designer & 3D Illustrator. Creative soul designing smart solutions for web3.0. Owner of a fluffy dog called Bambi 🐶

founder / developer
Franek Stodulski

I'm a Software Engineer with almost 8 years of experience. Owner of 2 awesome dogs 🐕 - Phoebe & Forest

Sign up for newsletter 💌

Join our newsletter and be updated about mint date, whitelist, competitions and all important stuff related to the project - once a week.

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Check here if we already answered it 👇

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